On Sunday, August 24, 2014 5:33:00 PM UTC+1, Ruby-Forum.com User wrote:
> Colin Law wrote in post #1155762: 
> 4. When someone logs out, I clear the value and call reset_session. 
> Again I see the sql record has the "data" variable with changed value. 
>     session[:user_id] = nil 
>     reset_session 
> Hence the problem is: 
> 1. Can't I ensure a session record is created only when I want - After 
> the user logs in ? 
> 2. If not, Can I differentiate a authenticated session vs 
> unauthenticated sessions (sessions where the login page was just loaded 
> OR sessions where the user logged out) ? 
A row gets set in the sessions table (or whatever session store you use) 
whenever something is assigned to the session. In particular, pretty much 
any time you display a form (or call csrf_meta_tag) rails saves the value 
of the csrf token to the session. This is probably why you're seeing 
sessions created on displaying the login page.

You can't by default differentiate between authenticated sessions and non 
authenticated sessions: rails' session support is unaware of what 
authenticated means to you. You could probably do this with a custom 
session store - a session store implementation has access to the rack env 
hash, so your app code could set values in there that the session store 
could save. The active record store implementation that was extracted from 
rails (https://github.com/rails/activerecord-session_store) would probably 
be a good place to start


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