What does the controller look like?

Try googling for "devise with cancan"

On Oct 6, 2014, at 6:53 AM, Mohammed Rashid <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:

> This is my code for my index.html.erb scaffold
> as you can see the if else stops a user to  "show, edit or destroy" the
> entries. However, they can create a new Rota entry by clicking New
> Rotum. I can get rid of the admin part in Show, edit, destroy and
> everyone will be able to do everything. But I want a user to be able to
> only show edit destroy their OWN entry and not everyone elses too
> because that is what happens when I authenticate a user to do this?
>     <h1>Listing rota</h1>
>     <table id = "tabletest">
>      <thead>
>        <tr>
>      <th>Name</th>
>      <th>Mobile</th>
>      <th>Email</th>
>      <th>Category</th>
>      <th>Other</th>
>      <th colspan="3"></th>
>       </tr>
>     </thead>
>     <tbody>
>       <% @rota.each do |rotum| %>
>        <tr>
>        <td><%= rotum.name %></td>
>        <td><%= rotum.mobile %></td>
>        <td><%= rotum.email %></td>
>        <td><%= rotum.category %></td>
>        <td><%= rotum.other %></td>
>     <% if current_user.try(:admin?) %>
>        <td><%= link_to 'Show', rotum %></td>
>        <td><%= link_to 'Edit', edit_rotum_path(rotum) %></td>
>        <td><%= link_to 'Destroy', rotum, method: :delete, data: {
> confirm: 'Are you sure?' } %></td>
>      </tr>
>       <% end %>
>             <% end %>
>     </tbody>
>    </table>
>    <br>
>       <% if user_session %>
>    <%= link_to 'New Rotum', new_rotum_path %>
>      <% end %>
> -- 
> Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
> -- 
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Jason Fleetwood-Boldt

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