Please notice that the <%= … %> expression for the partial is in an erb 
file and is evaluated on the server before it is sent to the user's 
browser. It is therefore not possible to have javascript variables be part 
of the expression. You need to rethink the partial and instead of using 
ruby variables it will have to use javascript variables.

Den söndagen den 23:e november 2014 kl. 14:38:39 UTC+1 skrev 
> My partial code: 
> view/clubs_registration/clubs/_dropzone_pictures.html.erb 
> <%= hidden_field_tag :club_id, name: :club_id, value: club_id %> 
> My initial view code: 
> view/clubs_registration/clubs/test_dropzone_pictures.html.erb 
> <%= render partial: 'dropzone_pictures', :locals => { :club_id => 
> } %> 
> What I really want to do is retrieve the value of club_id from my 
> jquery: 
> console.log($("#club_id").val());  //->  {:name=>:club_id, 
> :value=>11500} 
> I just want the value 11500. How should I do that please? 
> -- 
> Posted via 

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