On Friday, 26 December 2014 17:56:39 UTC-5, Matt Jones wrote:
> On Sunday, 21 December 2014 15:55:26 UTC-5, Star Light wrote:
>> https://github.com/LouHenryAlvarez/jackbox
>> If it's true. It sounds like some pretty wild stuff.  Anyone care to 
>> comment about this?
> Followup to my original comment: the Github page only has specs. Rubygems 
> has a gem, but it's got binary components without source and obfuscated 
> source (RubyEncoder). I certainly wouldn't load this code anyplace that 
> wasn't heavily sandboxed. I have no evidence that it's malicious, but have 
> the same amount that it *isn't*.
> There's some interesting ideas in there, but nothing interesting enough 
> that I'd want to bring un-debuggable, un-updatable mystery code in that 
> also locks me to MRI.
> The barrage of "announcement" posts across rails-talk, ruby, ruby-dev, and 
> ruby-core certainly haven't helped make a positive impression.
A final addon: the thing doesn't even WORK. Brand-new Ruby install on a 
brand-new Vagrant VM:

vagrant@precise32:~$ irb
irb(main):001:0> require 'jackbox'
TypeError: can't create instance of singleton class
`block (2 levels) in decorate'
`block in decorate'
`block in <class:Dir>'
`<top (required)>'
`<top (required)>'
`rescue in require'
from (irb):1
from /home/vagrant/.rbenv/versions/2.1.5/bin/irb:11:in `<main>'
System info:

vagrant@precise32:~$ ruby -v
ruby 2.1.5p273 (2014-11-13 revision 48405) [i686-linux]

vagrant@precise32:~$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
Release: 12.04
Codename: precise

I'd add that EVEN IF THIS WORKED, it would be terrible - it's loading the 
file from lib/jackbox/examples/dir.rb, which redefines - ahem, "decorates" 
- methods of the stdlib Dir class to have entirely different semantics. For 
instance, `Dir.new(some_path)` now writes to the filesystem...

Some of the rest, on further examination, feels like over-abstraction / 
sugaring. For instance, here's how `lets` is implemented:

def lets(sym = nil, &block)
  if sym.class == Symbol
    define_method(sym, &block)
    sym ? sym : block
rescue StandardError
  raise LetsError

(BTW: RubyEncoder just makes this harder, not impossible. Not even 
particularly difficult, once you get used to reading YARV bytecode. 
RubyVM::InstructionSequence.disasm FTW!)

Digging into this, the first example for `lets` is USELESS. `lets bar 
=->(arg){ arg * arg }` is actually parsed as `lets(bar = ->(arg){ arg * arg 
})`. This works, but `lets` does exactly fuckall since the actual 
local-variable-setting part is a side-effect of its argument.

Other fun things, in no particular order:

* attempting an install on Ruby 1.9.3 fails, since the gem was built 
expecting `byebug` to be available but that gem requires Ruby 2.0.0. The 
gemspec appears to be *attempting* to deal with this by including a 
conditional on RUBY_VERSION, but that code runs at gem-build time, not 
gem-load time. :(

* `with` appears to work by decorating `method_missing`, using 
`instance_exec` on the target, and then undecorating. Bonus points if you 
wondered what happens if the block exits the scope abnormally (via `raise` 
or `throw`).

* the directory example reimplements Dir.exists? to do exactly the same 
thing as the Ruby version, only in Ruby instead of C. This is unlikely to 
be a performance issue, but it makes one wonder why it was included at all.

* disassembly of the included libraries shows additional oddities - there 
are two Mach-O format libs (ext/jackbox/jackbox.so and 
ext/jackbox/jackbox.bundle) and a DLL, but no corresponding library for 
Linux. The OS X libraries also don't appear to DO anything - just FFI stubs 
and utility functions.

* I'll leave the detailed object-oriented theory criticisms to somebody 
who's passionate about it, but some of the examples seem like classic is-a 
/ has-a reversals to my eye. A Spaceship isn't a fuel line, or a capsule - 
it HAS those things. Mixins seem like the exactly wrong choice for that 

* there's a namespace whose purpose I'm still unclear on under 
Jackbox::Meta::Abstract and Jackbox::Meta::DSL. Neither of the latter have 
(at first inspection) any methods of interest.

* needless to say, thanks to the RubyEncoder non-security garbage, the gem 
doesn't even WORK on 2.2.0.

LHA, if you're reading this, you've got some interesting ideas. You need to 
work on packaging and presentation, though - shipping useless binary 
extensions and obfuscated source isn't going to endear you to many people. 
It would be a great deal easier to discuss these ideas without having to 
trawl through YARV disassembly.

--Matt Jones

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