Hi Jason,

Please forgive the oversights. I'm still feeling my way around in the 

On Monday, January 5, 2015 7:34:37 AM UTC-8, Jason FB wrote:
> It's been a while since I used passenger, but did you put the correct 
> passenger declaration pointing to the /public folder of your Rails into the 
> httpd.conf file (or a site-specfic file that is included in httpd.conf)?
I think you mean this:

> DocumentRoot /var/www/vhost/todo.tryx.org/tracks/public
> <Directory "/var/www/vhost/todo.tryx.org/tracks/public">
>         Options +FollowSymLinks -MultiViews 
>         AllowOverride none
> </Directory>

and this:

> LoadModule passenger_module modules/mod_passenger.so
> <IfModule mod_passenger.c>
>         PassengerRoot           
> /var/www/vhost/todo.tryx.org/passenger-4.0.56
>         PassengerDefaultRuby    /usr/bin/ruby
> </IfModule>


> Finally, you might get more help on the Passenger list than this list, 
> because it looks like the issue is in your Apache/Passenger config not your 
> Rails config. 
I'm covering my bets, because I don't understand enough of the problem to 
know exactly where it is, so I've posted to the Passenger folks, and I've 
chatted with some folks on IRC. I've read my horoscope, but it is silent on 
the issue. (-: 

Thanks for the help,


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