Ok, so I'm challenging myself to actually learn ruby/rails, I'm
currently doing the 12 on 12 challenge by mackenzie childs, i'm doing
the Muze app. I'm trying to add a comment section to the post section of
the site but when i try to pull up a post, i'm getting:

Haml::SyntaxError in Posts#show
 Extracted source (around line #10):

you can review the code below (i've marked it) line 10 is ".comment",
what is going on, whats wrong with that code? Please Help!!!!

= image_tag @post.image.url(:medium)
%h1= @post.title
%p= @post.description
%p= @post.user.name

    %h2.comment_count= pluralize(@post.comments.count, "Comment")
    - @comments.each do |comment|
(This is line 10)   .comment
       %p.username= comment.user.name
       %p.username= comment.content

     = render 'comments/form'

= link_to "Edit", edit_post_path(@post)
= link_to "Destroy", post_path(@post), method: :delete, data: [confirm:
"Are you sure?"]
= link_to "home", root_path

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