Hello, All:

I am grappling with an interesting problem that I can't believe I'm the 
first to tackle. Hoping someone has covered this ground before, or is 
experienced enough to give good suggestions, and can suggest a reasonable 
path forward.

The issue is related to transactions and ActiveRecord::Timestamp. 

Specifically, if we insert or update multiple rows in a single transaction, 
each row gets a slightly different updated_at/created_at timestamp.  

The reason is because instead of using the SQL function NOW() to set the 
created/updated times, the ruby code generates the timestamps at the time 
the SQL for the insert/update is created.

The problem is that we need the timestamps on rows added/updated in the 
same transaction to match (for auditing and perceived atomicity reasons). 

As I allude to above, if ActiveRecord used the sql function NOW() to set 
the created_on/updated_on times, they would all be the time that the 
database server began the transaction. (See now() explanation at 
e.g. http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.2/static/functions-datetime.html )

But I understand that setting updated_on/created_on times to NOW() is 
tricky through ActiveRecord.

Here are some ideas we've thrown around to fix this, and our thoughts on 

Idea 1:  Fetch NOW() from the database at the beginning of the transaction, 
and use that verbatim for all updated_on/created_on times that need to get 
Thoughts: inconsistent with the Rails model, which always uses the time on 
the ruby side, not the database. Also adds a roundtrip to the database.

Idea 2: Mixin new modules to ActiveRecord::Base to override the 
transaction() call, record the time, and then call super(). Also override 
the Timestamp current_time_from_proper_timezone method to return the time 
that our transaction() call squirrelled away. Theres a little more to this 
(clearing the timestamp when the transaction is committed or rolled back), 
but you get the idea 
Thoughts: Modifies ActiveRecord::Base to be more different than might be 
obvious. We think we prefer the next idea (3).

Idea 3: Subclass ActiveRecord::Base (to say ActiveRecordLocal) and mix in 
the modules mentioned above into this class. 
Thoughts: This makes is clearer that when you're using ActiveRecordLocal, 
you're not getting the stock ActiveRecord::Base behavior. Otherwise this 
solution is identical to Idea 2.

Idea 4: when then transaction starts, use Timecop::freeze to freeze the 
time that ruby sees. 
Thoughts: We can't freeze the time for all code in the app while a 
transaction is pending. Plus Timecop is for testing, not production use-- 
but most importantly see previous point.

We've seen other ideas which we rejected and won't bring up here.

So, after all this motivation -- the questions;

Q1: Has anyone tacked this issue before? How did you solve it? Is there an 
easy way to accomplish our goal?
Q2: What strategy do you think we should take to fix this issue? (Either 
one explained above, or another strategy)?

At this point we're moving forward with* Idea 3*, but I'd love to hear some 
experienced people's input on this topic


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