Hi Scott,

On 23/7/2015 8:12 PM, Scott Ribe wrote:
Because it was the count(distinct x) that was the problem :)
Doing only a count(*) is faster without the subquery... and is what we have 
switched to.
So does the limit reduce it to less than 1 day's rows?

Yes, the idea of the limit (900k records) was to limit it to the records within 1 day and then run the query on the smaller record set. However, after your comments, when I was looking around, I resolved that the slowness is because of the count (distinct x) and not because of the indexes, etc.

For reference, on a 230million record table, the numbers were roughly along these lines: * SELECT count(*), count (distinct group_id) with a limit of 900k records based on ID DESC, followed by the recorded_on part = 8.6 seconds * SELECT count(*), count (distinct group_id) on the whole table using only recorded_on in the WHERE = 14 seconds * SELECT count(*) only with a limit of 900k records based on ID DESC, followed by the recorded_on part = 700ms * SELECT count(*) on the whole table using only recorded_on in the WHERE = 350ms --> Clearly, the culprit was the count (distinct group_id) - that benefits a lot by using a subquery to limit the number of records it considers * SELECT count(*) from (select distinct group_id from data_store_v2 where recorded_on >= '') --> takes around 900ms

So, we are combining these in the final query now... this takes around 900ms to get both values (count and count distinct)
-- get the fields from 2 different subqueries
select * from
-- first field is got for the count(*)
(select count(*) AS all_count from data_store_v2 where recorded_on >= (now() AT TIME ZONE 'Asia/Singapore' - '24 hr'::INTERVAL)) as t1,
-- and Joining in the second one for the count (distinct group_id)
(select count(*) from
    -- this is yet another subquery
(select distinct drive_id from data_store_v2 where recorded_on >= (now() AT TIME ZONE 'Asia/Singapore' - '24 hr'::INTERVAL)) td ) as t2;

But as I mentioned, this is now a PostrgreSQL question not an ActiveRecord or Rails question :)

Thanks for digging with me!

Best Regards,

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