On 12 September 2015 at 05:00, Luis <luismcdoug...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Here is the code you ask Colin:
> _form
>  simple_form_for @pcp do |f|
>   = f.error_notification
>   .form-inputs.row.col-md-12
>     = f.input :name
>     = f.input :last
>     = f.input :phone1
>     = f.input :phone2
>     = f.input :bod
>     = f.input :esp
>     =f.simple_fields_for :medhospitals do |hospital|
>       = render 'medhospital_fields' , f: hospital, hindex: hcnt
>       = link_to_add_association 'Add a hospital', f, :medhospitals
>   .form-actions
>     = f.button :submit
> _medhopital_fields:
> .nested-fields.hosplital-fields
>   = f.association :hospital ,label: "Hosplital", collection: Hospital.all,
> label_method: :name, prompt: "Select Hospital"
>   = link_to_remove_association "Remove", f

I don't see any code there that saves a record.


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