It would also be appropriate to place the ssh.rb file in the lib/
directory. Placing it in app/models/ is fine. It's just a matter of

On Jan 5, 10:10 pm, Valentino Lun <>
> Dear all
> In the MVC architecture framework, the Model is actually communicate
> with database. In my rails project, there is a model/ssh.rb that is not
> connect with database. Is it a good practice for this arrangement in my
> project? Am I violate the rules of MVC architecture? Or is it better to
> move all the codes from models to controllers? What do you think? Thank
> you.
> models/ssh.rb
> 'net/ssh/authentication/pageant.rb'
> require 'net/ssh'
> class Ssh
>   def self.execute(cmd)
>     ssh=Net::SSH.start("ahnibm71", "testlib", :port => 19207, :paranoid
> => false, :auth_methods => ["publickey"], :passphrase => "hellokitty",
> :keys => ["C:/testing/id_rsa"])
>     output = ssh.exec!(cmd)
>     ssh.close
>     if output.nil?
>       return "NULL"
>     else
>       return output.gsub("\n", "<br>")
>     end
>   end
> end
> controllers/ssh_controller.rb
> class SshController < ApplicationController
>   def main
>   end
>   def test
>     render :text => Ssh.execute(params[:command])
>   end
> end
> --
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