> I don't want my default folder to be mysite.com/images/logo.png, but
> instead mysite.com/common/images/logo.png
> How can I change that? Same  applies to stylesheets and javascripts.

Don't know if there's an official way, but you could monkey patch some  
of the methods...

Look at actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/asset_tag_helper.rb... and  
override these methods:

def compute_javascript_paths(*args)
   expand_javascript_sources(*args).collect { |source|  
compute_public_path(source, 'javascripts', 'js', false) }

def compute_stylesheet_paths(*args)
  expand_stylesheet_sources(*args).collect { |source|  
compute_public_path(source, 'stylesheets', 'css', false) }

def image_path(source)
   compute_public_path(source, 'images')


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