Hey everyone,

I tried searching for this and asking in #rubyonrails but got no answer.

class Aye; has_many :bee; end
class Bee; has_many :cees; end
class Cee; has_many :dees end

Is this possible?:

I know how that with has_many through you can get aye.cees but can it
go further than that?

While searching I came accross
http://wiki.rubyonrails.org/rails/pages/ThroughAssociations that
talked about it (but this was a wish):
class Manufacturer
  # using an array specifies the order in which the relationships occur.
  has_many :review_comments, :through => [:products, :reviews]
  # For that matter, we should be able to string together as many
relationships as we like.
  # For example, for intergalactic commerce, we might want to find out
which moons are associated with a given manufacturer.
  has_many :moons, :through => [:distributors, :space_stations,
:planets, :moons]

Ramon Tayag

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