Hi All,

I have a Rails app that's been running in Production in my office for a few 
years now. (Rails 4.1 with Foundation 5).

I  have attempted to update it to Rails 4.2.6, with Foundation 6 and 
AngularJS 1.5.0 - it's angular I want for the next few features.

In Development on localhost (OSX) everything is fine and dandy.

In Production, on a Centos Server, I get the following error from Angular 
when the pages load:

Error: [$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module App due to:
[$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: e

I'm assuming this may an issue with the asset pipeline, and will be looking 
into this further this weekend, but was hoping there may be someone with 
Rails/Angular experience that could point me to the problem when deploying 
to Production. I've spent a good portion of the week on this so far, so a 
few tips in the right direction would be really helpful.

I've got Angular set up with a few node/express apps, and find it excellent 
to work with, hence why I want it included in this rails app.

Production Environment:

Ruby 2.3.0 managed by rbenv
Apache / Passenger



(+ all the usual suspects, if you want the full list, just say so)

//= require jquery
//= require jquery_ujs
//= require foundation
//= require angular
//= require angular-resource
//= require jquery_nested_form
//= require_tree .

$(function(){ $(document).foundation(); });

app = angular.module("App", ["ngResource"])

app.config ($httpProvider) ->
 authToken = $("meta[name=\"csrf-token\"]").attr("content")
 $httpProvider.defaults.headers.common["X-CSRF-TOKEN"] = authToken

app.controller "AppCtrl", ["$scope","$log", ($scope, $log) -> ]

Any help is greatly appreciated, and if you need anything more from me, let 
me know and I'll be happy to supply.



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