I really dont know how begin, I have a form in my view (solicit.html.erb) 
where do iterate in each elements, each element have a radio button, input 
field and a button for create. When click on button, generate a new 
portability with date save this. this is my code

<% if params[:search_func_register].present? %>
>   <h4><b>Results</b></h4>
>     <%= form_tag(@portability, name: 'form', method: :get) do %>
>       <table>
>         <thead>
>           <tr>
>             <th>&nbsp;</th>
>             <th>NÂș contract</th>
>             <th>New parcel</th>
>             <th>Action</th>
>           </tr>
>         </thead>
>         <tbody>
>           <% @authorizations.each do |authorization| %>
>             <tr>
>               <td><%= radio_button_tag 'authorization', 
> authorization.number_contract %></td>
>               <td><%= authorization.number_contract %></td>
>               <td>
>                 <input placeholder="Enter" type="text" 
> name="portability_new_parcel" id="portability_new_parcel">
>               </td>
>               <td><%= link_to "Request", new_portability_path %></td>
>             </tr>
>           <% end %>
>         </tbody>
>       </table>
>     <% end %>
> <% end %>

I just create a new portability with this values on form... (id, new_parcel)

Contract_number is readonly for show what is the authorization that is 
doing this portability.

My portabilities_controller is:

 def index
>     if params[:search_func_register]
>       @employee = Employee.where(register: 
> params[:search_func_register]).includes(:authorizations)
>     else
>       @portabilities = Portability.all
>     end
>   end
>   def solicit
>     if params[:search_func_register]
>       @employee = Employee.where(register: 
> params[:search_func_register]).includes(:authorizations)
>       @authorizations = Authorization.where(employee_id: @employee)
>       @portability = Portability.new
>     else
>       @authorizations = Authorization.all
>     end
>   end

But all this return this error when click on button Request:

undefined method `model_name' for nil:NilClass

I guess that create a other page for new portability is the solution. My 
route is:

resources :portabilities, except: :destroy do
>     collection do
>       get 'solicit'
>     end
>   end

Any idea about this, some tips? See ya!!

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