Mukund wrote:
> form_for results in a POST operation.  You are checking for
> request.xhr? in your controller to render the partial.   Use
> remote_form_for instead to get a XHR request.
> Pressing an enter key in a text field doesn't submit a form.  The tags
> don't add that in.
> Regards,
> Mukund

I changed the form_for to remote_form_for, and this disabled the search 
for the new view - Thanks. Using firebug I still see it's getting a 404 
error when I hit enter in the text field. so I'm not sure what's 
submitting the form on enter..

Also, I'm afraid I'm not sure what you mean with the XHR part - should I 
just change
render :partial => 'person' if request.xml_http_request?
render :partial => 'person'
now that remote_form_for submits an ajax request?

Thanks for your help!

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