This is going to be a bit of a long one;)

I have a bunch of stand alone scripts that I want to move into rails.  They 
are batch scripts that update the database (run from cron).  Where I live 
the music listings websites are very incomplete so I am using web scrapers 
to collect listings for a listings website.  They are very gently, fetching 
a page every 15 seconds.  There is a .rb script for each venue.

Basically I have three main classes, scrape, venue and event, the later 2 
having corresponding tables. I have used scaffold to create the tables in a 
postgres database, now I need to work out where to put the methods.  The 
scrape one does not need access to the database but the venue and events 
ones do.  I was planing on punting scrape class in a module in lib, there 
will be other classes eventually but for now the module will probably only 
have the one.

This is basically how it works:

The *Venue* class has arrays for all the attributes needed for events 
(title, date, time, description...), it used the *Scrape* class to collect 
the raw data for events.  

The venue arrays are then looped through and loaded into the *Event* class 
which interprets the raw data and writes the event record.  It uses a lot 
of setters, so when, for example, the time is set it is interpreted into a 
HH:MM format (it can be 10am, 1030am, 1030, 10:30...).  There are lots of 
other loose/fuzzy formatted data for events and this is all interpreted 
using setter.  I am not saying this architecture is correct  but it works.  

As an aside I also clean the data as there are lots of white-space 

The first step is to move stuff into rails, at a later date I may change 
things but for now I just want to get it working in a smeller way to the 
currently functioning stand alone scripts.  I will be using rails runner 
from cron to schedule the scripts.

So do I put the venue and event methods in to controllers or is there 
somewhere else.  The venue and event classes map to tables which is why 
this seems the way to go.    I want to put them into rails so I can use 
ActiveRecords, and also because it feels like the correct thing to do?  I 
then need to work out how to change the setters in Active record, or maybe 
not, but at the moment I simply am trying to work out where the methods go.


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