Take the "div" out of there ... that looks odd there.

Just looking over it, that looks like the problem (maybe). However, I
haven't watched the new screencast ... so I can't really tell you.

On Jan 9, 9:54 am, Michael <bsodm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> When attempting to follow the screencast, 'Creating a weblog in 15
> minutes with Rails 2', I've hit a problem when creating the
> 'partial'.  As soon as the index.html.erb,
> <h1>Listing posts</h1>
> <%= render :partial => @posts %>
> <%= link_to 'New post', new_post_path %>
> with _post.html.erb.
> <% div for post do %>
>         <h2><%= link_to_unless_current h(post.title), post %></h2>
>         <%= simple_format h(post.body) %>
> <% end %>
> and show.html.erb,
> <%= render :partial => @post %>
> <p>
>         <%= link_to 'Edit', edit_post_path(@post) %> |
>         <%= link_to 'Destroy', @post, :method => :delete, :confirm => "Are
> you sure?" %>
>         <%= link_to 'See All Posts', posts_path %>
> </p>
> I'm getting the following error:
>  SyntaxError in Posts#index
> Showing app/views/posts/_post.html.erb where line #1 raised:
> compile error
> /Users/michael/Desktop/rails_demo/blog/app/views/posts/_post.html.erb:
> 1: syntax error, unexpected kDO_BLOCK, expecting tCOLON2 or '[' or '.'
>             old_output_buffer = output_buffer;post = local_assigns
> [:post];object = local_assigns[:object];post_counter = local_assigns
> [:post_counter];;@output_buffer = '';  __in_erb_template=true ;  div
> for post do ; @output_buffer.concat "\n"
> ^
> /Users/michael/Desktop/rails_demo/blog/app/views/posts/_post.html.erb:
> 5: syntax error, unexpected kENSURE, expecting $end
> Extracted source (around line #1):
> 1: <% div for post do %>
> 2:      <h2><%= link_to_unless_current h(post.title), post %></h2>
> 3:      <%= simple_format h(post.body) %>
> 4: <% end %>
> Trace of template inclusion: app/views/posts/_post.html.erb, app/views/
> posts/index.html.erb
> Any ideas?
> ruby --version
> ruby 1.8.6 (2008-03-03 patchlevel 114) [universal-darwin9.0]
> Cheers
> Mike
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