Not sure if the subject is correct for what I am trying to do...

I am working on a School application and I added an Attendance section

There is an attendance record that is associated to a student record

The student record has an associated model called notes...

What I would like to be able to do is add notes to the student through the 
attendance record...

My Attendance record belongs_to :student
My Student record has_many :attendances
My Student record has_many :notes

I can access Attendance.student.notes just fine, but when I try to add 
notes through a nested form it doesn't like that...

Also just tried adding has_many :notes, through: :student and now I can 
access Attendance.notes, however when I add

      <%= f.fields_for :notes %>
      <%= f.link_to_add "Add Note", :notes, class: 'btn btn-xs btn-primary 
btn-padded' %>

I get an error no block given(yield)

Any suggestions on how to code the nested form?   Is this a routes issue?


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