There is an `collection_select` form builder that will do the `collect` for 
you. So:

    <%= f.collection_select :user, policy_scope(User), :id, :name %>

If you are not using a form builder then 
`options_from_collection_for_select` is useful for the same purpose.

If those helpers cannot be used directly for some reason I create a custom 

For example if I wanted to include the user's security role as a data 
attribute for some sort of UJS behavior I might have:

    def user_options selected
      policy_scope(User).collect do |user|
        content_tag 'option',,
          selected: == selected,
          data: { role: user.role }

Then in the view I might have:

    <%= :user_id, user_options form.object.user_id %>

On Tuesday, October 2, 2018 at 7:20:48 AM UTC-4, John Sanderbeck wrote:
> Good Morning Everyone...
> I have a coding question just so I am clear on the proper way to do this...
> To start, I have an app that I use Pundit in to control access to data, so 
> I have a lot of calls that are like policy_scope(User)
> What is the proper way to populate a select on a form with this data?
> Initially I was just using policy_scope(User).collect
> However I don't think it is proper to use this in a view, is it?
> If not, what is the proper way to pull this data and provide it to the 
> form?
> Recently I have moved some of these to helpers and created a method like 
> "users_for_select"
> John

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