On Friday, 8 March 2019 12:07:16 UTC, Colin Law wrote:
> You can reference any controller/action in the routes.  Welcome#index 
> is no different to any other.  Reference it exactly the same way as 
> you would reference any controller#action. 

Would be all lowercase. (as with all controllers , they have an uppercase 
letter in some parts of rails, but in the config/routes.rb file they are 
all lowercase)

I have tried get '/abc', to:'welcome#index'

   root 'welcome#index'

And doesn't work.  

I get uninitialized constant WelcomeController

> Also are you sure the routes file was empty initially?  Was there not 
> a 'root:' element? 
no root element there explicitly by default.. if you do rails new blah1  
 it makes a routes file, not completely blank 'cos has 
Rails.application.routes.draw do      followed by some comment, and then 
end. No routes in there by default.

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