> On Jun 10, 2019, at 12:25 AM, Ariel Juodziukynas <arielj...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Rails 6 will have this feature https://github.com/rails/rails/pull/33521 
> <https://github.com/rails/rails/pull/33521>
> For Rails 5.2, personally, I wouldn't add the file to the source control. I 
> would do this steps:
> 1- run rails credentials:edit locally
> 2- add the credentials for production and save
> 3- upload the file to your hosting at /home/user/your_app/shared/config/

You  mean, you don't even check-in the encrypted file?

> 4- configure capistrano to symlink that file on each deploy (at 
> config/deploy.rb)
> set :linked_files, fetch(:linked_files, [])+%W{config/credentials.yml.enc}
> Now, on each deploy, capistrano runs a task that adds some symlink to the 
> current release pointing to /shared so they are kept between releases. Your 
> file /home/user/your_app/current/config/credentials.yml.enc will actually be 
> a symlink to /home/user/your_app/shared/config/credentials.yml.enc. You can 
> just have that on production, use one on development and add it to the 
> .gitignore file so it doesn't conflict with the symlink.

I think this is interesting but sort of paradigmatically different as I am 
working with 12-Factor deploys (Heroku), so there isn't a symlink paradigm in 
these cases. 

nonetheless, thanks for the input.


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