> I also had the same problem. My application is running rails 2.0.2.
> Has anyone actually found a good solution for this?

Hope this helps someone who is in the same boat.

If you have a controller named ApplicationsController (there is
additional 's' in the controller name) and also the corresponding
model Application, Rails is trying to load the wrong Application.rb
file which is why we are encountering the following message.

"Expected /.../app/controllers/application.rb to define Application."

Instead of loading app/models/application.rb, it is loading app/
controllers/application.rb which is the base controller from which the
other controllers inherit, and not surprisingly it is not able to find
the Class definition of Application (it is actually defined in app/

I solved this by renaming the app/controllers/application.rb to app/
controllers/application_controller.rb and everything works as


On Jan 12, 9:21 am, Frederick Cheung <frederick.che...@gmail.com>
> On Jan 12, 12:59 pm, Caesar <caesar.in...@gmail.com> wrote:> I also had the 
> same problem. My application is running rails 2.0.2.
> > Has anyone actually found a good solution for this?
> The error message is misleading. Expected foo.rb to define Foo usually
> just means that something bad happened when loading foo.rb (syntax
> errors, missing constant etc...). You can usually get a better error
> message by just typing Foo into script/console
> Fred
> > On Nov 25 2008, 11:35 am, Sarah Gray <rails-mailing-l...@andreas-
> > s.net> wrote:
> > > Let me just add that while what I wrote above did work a few times, the
> > > problem recurred.  So I would not say that is a good solution.   At this
> > > point I manually required my classes in the other class:
> > > require 'project'
> > > require 'asset'
> > > ...
> > > and this seems to work.   It is a mystery to me, but hope someone else
> > > is helped.
> > > sg.
> > > Sarah Gray wrote:
> > > > Hello,
> > > > I wanted to chime in because I had a similar proble, Expected /
> > > > .../app/controllers/application.rb to define Application. On production
> > > > only. Rails 2.1.2, apache2, passenger.  This thread was helpful and I
> > > > found in my stack trace the noted const_missing, originating at line 90
> > > > in one of my classes, permission.rb
> > > > <pre>
> > > > vendor/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:484:in
> > > > `const_missing'
> > > > app/models/permission.rb:90:in `initialize_project'
> > > > </pre>
> > > > The method in question had a case statement like so:
> > > > <pre>
> > > > @project ||= case @resource
> > > >       when Project
> > > >         @resource
> > > >       ....
> > > > end
> > > > </pre>
> > > > It was crapping out on line 90, which was:
> > > > <pre>
> > > > when Project
> > > > </pre>
> > > > I tried giving it an absolute path to Project, like so:
> > > > <pre>
> > > > @project ||= case @resource
> > > >       when ::Project
> > > >         @resource
> > > >       ....
> > > > end
> > > > </pre>
> > > > And this solved the problem.
> > > > Hopefully that helps someone as this thread helped me.
> > > > sg
> > > --
> > > Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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