Actually, I got that part pretty well solved by just changing
everything to "widget." :)

The part I'm wondering is if there's some way to re-route most of a
controller to a different set of views than the standard default.
Right now every action ends with "render :template => 'widget/
action_name'" but I'm curious if there's a better way.


On Jan 20, 2:03 pm, "Brian Hogan" <> wrote:
> I can think of a few things off the top of my head - one way is to
> have one RJS file that looks like this:
>  page.visual_effect :toggle_slide, "hidden...@object}_form"
>  page.visual_effect :toggle_slide, "add...@object}_testimonial}_button"
> And in each controller action, right before rendering the RJS, do this
> @object = "testimonial"
> or
> @object = "service"
> Basically, use instance variables (or another mechanism) to make
> things available to the RJS template just like you would with anything
> else.
> Heck if you have @service  or @testimonial there, you could generalize
> it more by using the same variable for each   - �...@thing
> then do �...@thing.class.downcase  to get "testimonial" or "service"
> How does that sound? :)
> On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 3:42 PM, admanb <> wrote:
> > Hey all,
> > Here's my situation: I have a pair of controllers with associated
> > models (called Services and Testimonials) that are quite similar.
> > Because their CRUD behavior is executed via AJAX, the "templates" for
> > the actions are all short .rjs files. Now, because of the similarity
> > of the models, most of the templates are exactly the same, with only
> > the object names changed. That is, where one looks like this:
> > page.visual_effect :toggle_slide, 'hidden_testimonial_form'
> > page.visual_effect :toggle_slide, 'add_testimonial_button'
> > The other looks like this:
> > page.visual_effect :toggle_slide, 'hidden_service_form'
> > page.visual_effect :toggle_slide, 'add_service_button'
> > Obviously there's no reason these should be separate. My question is,
> > what's the best way to set these up as shared templates? Both of the
> > controllers inherit from a third controller (Brochure) because of
> > shared authentication behavior. But the only way I can think of to
> > share templates is something like this:
> > Put template files in /views/brochure.
> > At the end of each action, explicitly render the template. i.e.
> > def new
> >  ...
> >  render :template => 'brochure/new
> > end
> > Is there a better way that I'm missing?
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