Hi all,

I know how to disable it .
it's not a random number ,it's a to asset timestamps to  aid in cache

simply add the following line to your config/environment.rb:

     ENV['RAILS_ASSET_ID'] = ''


On Jan 22, 2:12 am, Alex <blackange...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi  all,
>       I'm use google gears, i need to store my javascript files by  
> manifest list.
>       In my rails app,
>        i used the helper method named  javascript_include_tag   like  
> this:
>               <%= javascript_include_tag  " jquery " %>
>       i got ,  "  /javascripts/jquery.js?1232094786 "
>       so ,    I cant store jquery.js to   LocalServer,  beacuse of  
> program cant find the file named "jquery.js?1232094786" .
>      I need to delete the random number behind question marker.
>      so, how to delete the random number(1232094786)if you use  
> javascript_include_tag and image_tag helper method   ?
>      Thank you !
>      sorry for my poor english.
> Alex
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