anton effendi wrote:

> I want to make upload photo with attachment_fu.....
> this logic is
> if admin
> has_attachment :content_type => :image,
>                  :storage => :file_system,
>                  :path_prefix => 'public/photos',
>                  :processor => 'Rmagick',
>                  :thumbnails => {:standard => "520x520>", *:thumb => 
> "110x110>"*, :medium => "250x250>"},
>                   :size => 0.kilobytes..5000.kilobytes
> if user
> has_attachment :content_type => :image,
>                  :storage => :file_system,
>                  :path_prefix => 'public/photos',
>                  :processor => 'Rmagick',
>                  :thumbnails => {:standard => "520x520>", *:thumb => 
> "120x120>"*, :medium => "250x250>"},
>                   :size => 0.kilobytes..5000.kilobytes
> I want to make it in 1 model... because I save to 1 table...

Put these in Admin and OrdinaryUser sub-classes/sub-models of your
main User model. If you add an STI "type" field to this model then
both these models will still use the users table if you properly
instantiate them.

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