Hi All,

   I am new to ruby on rails,we are developing a integrated application
which can be accessed by many companies..

   We developed application on development environment,recently we switched
to production environment as per client request.The insertion operation
working fine where are the updation not working...
   Updation working for sometimes if it is done consecutively then it is not
working,If the server restart it is working again upto some requests..

My Code is

 def UpdateToDB

        hash = params[:object].to_hash
        key = hash['key']

         if key==nil then                                       # since the
operation is generic
               puts  " the key not coming thourgh xml"
               return nil

         value = hash[key.to_s]

         model = hash['model']

         record = model.find(:all,:conditions=>["#{key}=?",value])  #
retriving the record from db

         updateRecord = model.new(hash['record'])  # record with updated
fileds ,consits every filed in the record except the key value,attribute

        updateRecord.TimeUpdate = DateTime.now

        # Here whatever the other requirements and conversions added to the
updateRecord and also checking the required fields to be non empty etc;

       recordHash = Hash.from_xml(updateRecord.to_xml)

       root = recordHash.keys
       rootElement = root(0)
        if record.update_attributes(recordHash[rootElement.to_s]) then
                puts record.to_xml
                puts "saved successfully"
                redirect_to 'index'


               The above method working fine for updation upto some requests
only.. like 8 updates not more than.. for the 9th update the statement
record.to_xml showing the updated value in the server but it is not get
updated in the database..

 Can anyone solve my problem and save my day...

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