Pardee, Roy wrote:

> <%= observe_field('project_search',
>     :url => { :controller => "projects", :action => "index_search"},
>     :update => "project-list", 
> ...
> That partial renders a table w/one row per project.  This works just fine 
> from FireFox.  But from IE I don't get my table--just a blank page.  So the 
> records that used to be in my table id="project-list" are gone, but I don't 
> see the new ones that index_search queried out of the db.  Judging from the 
> log, IE is indeed making the request to index_search, passing the params it 
> should, etc.  The log even says, e.g.,
> ...
> But IE doesn't seem to want to actually *display* these guys.  FF's web 
> development toolbar tells me I'm in "standards compliance mode" when I pull 
> up a searched list of projects, so I believe the markup is all kosher.

:update changes the innerHTML of a node, so you will be inserting
the table inside the table tag.

Wrap a div around the table and update that instead.

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