
I got a table like this

id | what   | when      | color  |   to      | description     |
1  | test   |01/01/2009 | red    |04/01/2009 | hi this is test |
2  | test2  |02/01/2009 | green  |04/01/2009 | hi this is test |
3  | test3  |01/01/2009 | blue   |04/01/2009 | hi this is test |
4  | test4  |02/01/2009 | orange |04/01/2009 | hi this is test |

I had fetch the value from the database in such a way like this

#[JavaScript source with ROR]#

var dAb = new Array();
var x = 0;
var event_task_today ='';
var event_task ='';

<% @eventall.each do |d| %>
 var DBdate1 = '<%= d.when%>';
 var eventdate1 = DBdate1.split('/');
 var task_date1 =eventdate1[2]+eventdate1[1]+eventdate1[0];
 dAb[x++] =  task_date1+" <div align='lef' 
style='background:<%=d.color%>;color:white;'><%= d.what%></div>";
<% end %>

If I alert 'dAb'value I'm getting like this

20090101 <div align='left' 
style='background:red;color:white;'>test</div>,20090102 <div 
align='left' style='background:green;color:white;'>test2</div>,20090101 
<div align='left' 
style='background:blue;color:white;'>test3</div>,20090102 <div 
align='left' style='background:orange;color:white;'>test4</div>

I need to have JavaScript variable 'dAb'like this

20090101 <div align='left' 
style='background:red;color:white;'>test</div><BR><div align='left' 
style='background:blue;color:white;'>test3</div>,20090102 <div 
align='left' style='background:green;color:white;'>test2</div><BR><div 
align='left' style='background:orange;color:white;'>test4</div>

<BR> tag should be placed in between the values with same date ,date 
should be printed only once.


Thanks in advance.

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