
This is not a rails problem but an issue for your webserver.
I can only speak for unix systems but the path is usually the same:

user sends a request to port 80, the webserver (e.g. apache) accepts
it and
decides wether to deliver a file or proxy the request to the mongrel.
Usually there are more than one mongel and they run on port 3000

Let us know about you system details, what webserver you use.

ciao, tom

On Jan 31, 4:04 am, Me <chabg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Under windows, I am able to set up one virtual host that works with
> mongrel no problem.  The issue is when I set up additional ones I
> cannot get to them.  I look in the log file of the first app and it is
> trying to go there.
> Does anyone know how to set up multiple virtual hosts with rails?

Thomas R. "TomK32" Koll <> http://ananasblau.com
just a geek trying to change the world
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