Say I have to Models, Project and Creator, related to each other such
that @project.creator is valid.  Creator has two fields, first_name
and last_name, for the creator's name.  Assuming that I want a quick
way to display the creator's name as "last_name, first_name" inside
the view, which is the best approach (efficiency, the Rails way, etc.)
and why?

Here are the approached I've come up with...

A) Create a method in the Creator class called commified_name and use
@project.creator.commified_name in the view.  This seems like a good
option.  It's DRY and fits the rest of the mold for in
the view, but I think following MVC the model is not meant for
formatting, right?

def commified_name
    [self.last_name, self.first_name].join(', ')

B) Do the join inside the view.  Probably the worst of the options
since it allows for variations in how the name is displayed.

C) Create a method in the Creator Helper called commified_name and use
commified_name in the view.  I believe this is the best answer since
formatting of information that goes in the View belongs in a Helper,
right?  I just find that A feels more right to me.

def commified_name
    [...@project.creator.last_name, @project.creator.first_name].join(',
') if @project

If C (or A) is the best answer, is this a good way to accomplish what
I'm after.  Thanks in advance.

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