On 2 Feb 2009, at 13:37, morgler wrote:

> i keep getting this AssociationTypeMismatch error. i think this could
> be a bug related to ruby/rails when using mixins. heres a short
> version of my code:
> # user.rb
> require 'friend_invitation'
> require 'friendship'
using require like this can bust stuff (see 

> class User < ActiveRecord::Base
>  include FriendInvitationUser, FriendshipUser
>  ...
> end
> # friendship.rb
> ...
> module FriendshipUser
>  def self.included(includer)
>    includer.class_eval do
>      has_many :friends, :through => :friendship
>    end
>  end
>  # true, if other_user is a friend of mine
>  def friend_of?(other_user)
>    Friendship.between?(self, other_user)
>  end
>  ...
> end
> so basically I'm using modules to mixin new aspects into the User
> model (kinda like AOP in ruby). i believe that these mixins together
> with the require statements at the top of the User model file cause
> the AssociationTypeMismatch. if i get the error, a restart of my
> development server solves the problem - but that can't be the
> solution. any ideas where this error comes from or what to do about
> it?
> any help very appreciated!
> matthias
> >

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