
Great explanation! Thanks!

-- Josh

Steve Ross wrote:
> On Feb 4, 2009, at 9:14 AM, Joshua Abbott wrote:
>> Have you done any benchmark testing on using the &: method? I would be
>> curious as to why you say it's slower.
> PMFJI... As I recall, the &:foo notation is a shortcut for
> Symbol#to_proc so the following code snippets are the same:
> def frazzle
> end
> @stuff.each(&:frazzle)
> @stuff.each{|s|{|*args| args.shift.__send__(s, *args)}}
> Look in active_support/symbol.rb
> So what could make this slower are the facts that 1) you are creating
> a new anonymous proc for each iteration through the @stuff collection;
> and 2) you are using the send method to invoke the method referenced
> by the symbol. Contrast that to:
> @stuff.each{|s| s.frazzle}
> In this case, the method is being invoked directly, skipping the steps
> of creating the anonymous proc and then invoking "frazzle" via a send.
> So, that's how I understand it. Now, in the case where you have a
> dozen users returned and want to list their names next to checkboxes,
> the performance difference is negligible. It's the case where you
> can't predict the size of the result set that you want to beware of.

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