hi all..

i am trying to use *fields_for* to get and save nested attributes in a form.
i have a 'Partner' model associated with an 'Address' model.
partner has_many :addresses

although the form is displaying fine, but on submitting it the following
error is shown:

*can't convert HashWithIndifferentAccess into Array*

on this line:

*...@partner = Partner.new(params[:partner])*

the names of main 'partner' fields are like:


the names of 'address' fields are like:


*some code:*

<% form_for(@partner) do |f| %>
  <%= f.error_messages %>
  <%= f.label :par_name, "Partner Name" %><br />
  <%= f.text_field :par_name %>
      <% f.fields_for :addresses do |addr_fields| %>
            <%= addr_fields.label :add_line_1, "Address Line 1" %><br />
            <%= addr_fields.text_field :add_line_1 %>
      <% end %>
  <%= f.submit "Create" %>
<% end %>

what's wrong over here??



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