> > It is not an unbreakable solution, but it is likely to continue to
> > work for quite some time. The following joke from Ned Batchelders blog
> > nicely sketches why:
> For what's worth, Nanoki, a wiki engine implemented in Lua, uses Ned  
> Batchelders tricks to keep itself spam free.
> For an illustration, check the source of the various form:
> http://svr225.stepx.com:3388/main/editor
> http://svr225.stepx.com:3388/cloud/editor

Thanks for providing these links.

Feedback on the Rails plugin
is most welcome.

It is used in http://www.LogiLogi.org (both for remarks and logis/

Wybo Wiersma


- Informatiekunde (computer linguistics, IR, webtech), History and Philosophy
- Member of the Center for Metahistory Groningen (http://www.rug.nl/let/cmg)

::Free Software and Open Source Developer:
- Active in the LogiLogi Foundation (http://foundation.logilogi.org)
- http://www.LogiLogi.org, Cumulative, shared commenting, publication and
                           idea sharing: Where insight comes together...
- ComLinToo, a computational linguistics toolset written in Perl

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