2009/1/29 Esdras Mayrink <eda.bles...@gmail.com>

> Hello everbody.
> I'm trying to load images from my picasa webalbum in my rails app.
> So, this is the image url:
> http://lh4.ggpht.com/_PjuQJCqPYIk/SYDrJz34UiI/AAAAAAAAAT0/KUvS_-XPE8A/sunset-1600.jpg
> When I do <img src='
> http://lh4.ggpht.com/_PjuQJCqPYIk/SYDrJz34UiI/AAAAAAAAAT0/KUvS_-XPE8A/sunset-1600.jpg'
> />, or image_tag( ... ) it does not load the image, and Firebug says it was
> not found. But when I do it in a simple .html file out of a rails app. it
> loads the image correctly.

Have you tried viewing the page source and copying the <img src=..../> out
and into your simple html page just to check there is not some subtle
difference in the url string?

> the most intrigant  thing is that the thumbnail of the same image loads
> correctly in both, rails app and the .html file.
> This is the URL of a thumbnail of the image:
> http://lh4.ggpht.com/_PjuQJCqPYIk/SYDrJz34UiI/AAAAAAAAAT0/KUvS_-XPE8A/s144/sunset-1600.jpg
> I'm using rails 2.2.2 and this happened in production mode (I didn't test
> it in production mode).
> Can somebody figure out what is going on?
> Any help will be appreciated.
> >

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