Gavin wrote:
> Anybody have any suggestions as to how I could go about this?
> I was thinking of creating an observer for orders and including an
> after_create like so:
> Class OrderObserver < ActiveRecord::Observer
> def after_create
>   sleep 300 # sleep for 5 mins
>   if self.status > 3 # anything above 3 should be saved
>     return
>   else
>     self.items.each do |item|
>       item.update_attribute :order_id, nil
>     end
>     self.destroy
>   end
> end

Sorry if this response is a bit off the question's topic, but I do have 
an unrelated suggestion.

You have the following line in your sample code:
>   if self.status > 3 # anything above 3 should be saved

I would recommend against this use of "magic numbers," such as "3" in 
this case. The number 3 has no meaning here. I would recommend that you 
use something like a "finite state machine."

There is a Ruby gem implementation of this:

Now the same line of code can be written as:
if self.completed?

Now there is no ambiguity on the meaning of some "magic number." The 
code clearly states its intent.
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