Hi Bob,

I don't know about such a method, but I hope it exists. In the mean 
time, I've tried one I found on this same forum (in French: 
http://www.ruby-forum.com/topic/144612#784212). Unfortunately, it 
doesn't work when I run my application, but it works in irb! I suspect 
it's got to do with encoding...

  def ApplicationHelper.remove_accents( str )

    accents = { ['á','à','â','ä','ã','Ã','Ä','Â','À'] => 'a',
                ['é','è','ê','ë','Ë','É','È','Ê'] => 'e',
                ['í','ì','î','ï','I','Î','Ì'] => 'i',
                ['ó','ò','ô','ö','õ','Õ','Ö','Ô','Ò'] => 'o',
                ['œ'] => 'oe',
                ['ß'] => 'ss',
                ['ú','ù','û','ü','U','Û','Ù'] => 'u'
    accents.each do |ac,rep|
      ac.each do |s|
        str.gsub!(s, rep)
    return str

I tried setting $KCODE="UTF-8" or $KCODE="ISO-8859-1" at the top of my 
source code, as suggested by cwilliams (creator of RadRails: 
http://forums.aptana.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=8234), but that doesn't 
solve my problem. If you get this working in a real application, please 
let me know; I'm getting desparate!


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