Zac Zheng wrote:
> Hi,
> My tests(rspec) are failing on models that has a String primary key.
> Rails wrongly creates the test table with the primary key in Integer
> format. As a result, the fixtures can not be imported, nor does
> relationships match up.
> The database is imported and needs to match with an external database,
> so there is no possibly of changing the primary key to integer.
> Does anyone know how to force Rails to recreate the test tables to
> respect string primary keys?

This fix this turned out to be easy.

Schema.rb is run to create the test tables. I edited my copy to the 

create_table "countries", :force => true, :id => false do |t|
  t.column "locode"
  # other columns

# Manually assign 'locode' as primary key
execute "ALTER TABLE `countries` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`locode`);"

Hey Presto! My specs that use countries are now running.

Thanks to


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