Cyrus Dev wrote:
> Hello Every one,
> I am using SciTE Editor which is good for ruby and rails, but I want
> editor
> with file browser in that , is any plugin available for it ?
> thanks

Are you looking for a full-on IDE or just a better text editor?

I use, an highly recommend, TextMate on the Mac. The is something 
similar to it on Windows called the "E Text Editor."

If you are looking for a full-fledged IDE for Ruby take a loot at 
Netbeans 6.5. It seems to be about the best Ruby support I know of in an 

People may think it's strange that I really prefer a good text editor 
like TextMate over an IDE. Especially, since I live in an IDE all day 
for my Java "day job." But, Java just isn't practical without an IDE 
these days.

Here are some things I dislike about IDEs:

1. Most are written in Java. The exception being Xcode, which is the 
only IDE I actually enjoy using.
2. IDEs tend to lock you into a single vendor. In our case that's Oracle 
with their JDeveloper IDE.
3. I HATE Java programs.
4. I REALLY HATE Java programs.
5. IDEs have a tendency to make bad assumptions. "Oh!. Here's what I 
think you're trying to do, I'll go ahead and make that edit for you." I 
swear, I spend half my time removing crap that the IDE thinks I want.
6. I'm a programmer. I don't need help with programming! What I need is 
help editing text. TextMate is perfect for this because the developers 
spend their time thinking about editing text/code. The built-in text 
editors of most IDE are horrible at editing text.
7. JDeveloper startup time ~30 seconds. TextMate Startup time < 1 
8. mate .

This is all a matter of taste, but is probably the primary thing that 
drew me to Ruby on Rails in the first place. A development framework 
that's logical enough to require no IDE is worth it's weight in gold.
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