Ok I've got it to work by using this in my partial:

<%= @advert[:title] %>

Can you tell me why I have to reference like this?


On Mar 2, 8:22 am, phil7085 <p....@btopenworld.com> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I've tried both of those options and can't get it to work, I think
> it's the way I am trying to retrieve the values in the partial.
> In the development.log I have this error: undefined method `title' for
> #<HashWithIndifferentAccess:0x1f7f930>
> In my controller I have this:
> render :partial => 'advert', :object => @advert
> And in my partial I have tried both if these:
> <%= advert.title %>
> <%= @advert.title %>
> No luck.
> Any suggestions?
> Phil
> On Mar 1, 8:59 pm, phil7085 <p....@btopenworld.com> wrote:
> > Thanks,
> > I will give this a try, although as a newbie this talk
> > of :locals, :object, etc has slightly gone over my head. I'm sure i'll
> > get it.
> > Phil
> > On Mar 1, 8:37 pm, Phlip <phlip2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > phil7085 wrote:
> > > > How would I then need to tell rails to use the @advert object because
> > > > that's the part that I have been having trouble with?
> > > Formerly, it was this:
> > >   def preview
> > >     @advert = Advert.new(params[:advert])
> > >     render :partial => 'advert', :locals =>{ :@advert => @advert }
> > >   end
> > > I prefer that style because it makes @advert, inside the partial, safe to 
> > > test
> > > for nil. However, on our latest new project (Rails 2.2.2) either we did
> > > something else wrong, or the :@ stopped working, and we had to use this:
> > >     render :partial => 'advert', :locals =>{ :advert => @advert }
> > > Does anyone know if the :@ trick should still work?
> > > --
> > >    Phlip
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