nevermind the above posts
i wasnt paying attention

i created a model Sample

changed code to

class TestApi < ActionWebService::API::Base
   api_method :get_me, :returns => [Sample]

class MarketdataController < ApplicationController
  def poll
    Sample.find(:all,:limit =>1)

here i get all sorts of mapping errors

returns => [Sample]    #it should expect a Sample object

i return a Sample.find(:all,:limit=>1)[0]
and i get a "Cannot map Sample to SOAP/OM"

i return a Sample.find(:all,:limit=>1) #which would return an array 
containing Sample objects , it errors out and says
"Don't know how to cast Array to Sample"
thats expected

then i tried this
returns => [[Sample]] #it should expect an array of sample objects ?
i return a sample.find(:all,:limit=>1)
and i get a "Cannot map Array to SOAP/OM"

Any ideas on how to get it to cast properly ?

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