This might help:

On Mar 6, 11:56 pm, Helmut Juskewycz <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I know that there are already some discussions/posts about this issue,
> however, none of them helped me to solve my problem.
> Disclaimer first: The application has done it already correctly, but
> now the time conversation is broken and I don't know why.
> I am storing a start and end time in my application.
> Here is the behavior I want: Both values should be stored in UTC in
> the db (MySQL). Displaying the values to the user in the local time
> zone. The user should also edit the value in the local time zone, but
> they remain stored in UTC.
> Here is the behavior I have: The time values are just stored and no
> conversation at all. If I have 10:45 in a form, then 10:45 is stored
> in the db, although I am in = "Vienna". Basically all my
> forms/views now show the wrong time. Before time was stored as 9:45
> and shown as 10:45 (with in_time_zone) and also edited as 10:45.
> here is my code/configs:
> environment.rb
> config.active_record.default_timezone = :utc
> #  config.time_zone = 'UTC' # I tried already different combinations
> index.html.erb
> <%= time_record.start_time.in_time_zone.to_formatted_s(:time) %>
> edit.html.erb
> <%= f.form_row 'time_records.start_time', f.datetime_select
> (:start_time) %>
> application.rb
> def set_time_zone # before filter
>     zone = current_user.time_zone if logged_in?
>     zone ||= 'UTC'
> = zone
> end
> I would really appreciate if someone could explain the behavior of
> Time zones in Rails. I read posts and blogs 
> (e.g, but
> I am still not sure how or better what Rails does? Sometimes I don't
> know if Rails does convert the time or not, is it a bug or not ...
> Like I said I appreciate every help I can get, since this problem cost
> me a lot of time and is a show stopper. Thank you!
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