They are both equivalent in terms of functionality.

The first is a common rails idiom:

or #I've seen this one used more than

The ampersand syntax is simply telling the interpreter that the symbol
is the block parameter to the method. Internally the to_proc method of
the symbol class is called.

Here's a reference:

Beware, doing doesn't perform as well as { |f| } for big numbers of foos...
Also note that this is a Rails only feature (ie: try it on plain irb
and it will not work).

On Mar 11, 1:35 pm, Hiro Protagonist <rails-mailing-l...@andreas-> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Can someone explain to me in terms of ruby why this works?
> Story.find_all_by_user_id(2).collect(&:link)    # 1  method call
> This is in ROR console.  link is a property of Story.  The above command
> finds all db rows and all their properties (columns) with user_id == 2
> and creates an array with only the link property.
> This is same as:
> Story.find_all_by_user_id(2).collect{|x|}  # 2  block
> I understand function #2 with use of a block.
> I do not understand function #1 in terms of syntax.  What  is &:link?  I
> know it represents a property and could accept that this is the way it
> works but I want to understand this in terms of ruby syntax.  Is &:link
> a block?  If so it would have to represent  I do not understand
> how this is generated in ruby.
> TIA,
> Pete
> --
> Posted via
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