On Mar 11, 10:30 pm, esdevs <seanpdev...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ok so I am trying to do something like the below to order by :joins (I
> know the below won't work)...the only solution that I can fathom is
> using something like find_by_sql - but I certainly would prefer a
> simpler method...any suggestions?
> User.find(:all, :joins => :deals, :group => 'rev', :conditions =>
> ['saledate >= ? AND saledate <= ?', Time.now.at_beginning_of_month,
> Time.now.at_end_of_month], :order => "deals.rev.sum DESC")

I'm not entirely sure what you're doing - :order has to be a valid sql
order clause, so order by any column from any of your joined tables,
or an sql expression is fine (:eg :order => "SUM(something)" should be
ok, although you might need the expression in your order clause to be
part of the select clause too).


> Thanks
> Sean
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