On Mar 12, 6:05 am, neerolyte <neerol...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've looked at a bunch of tutorials and don't really understand what
> is supposed to happen after I add an association (belongs_to, has_many
> etc) to both sides of a relationship.
> A lot of the tutorials just add the associations and move on as if
> that's it, but when I add the association nothing has changed in the
> db (which makes sense because at this point I've only changed code).
> Is there a command I'm supposed to run to look at all the
> relationships and add tables/columns for relationships that are
> missing them? or am I supposed to manually create the table?

You're suppose to use migrations to add columns or create tables (see
http://guides.rubyonrails.org/migrations.html )

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