Hao Zhao wrote:
> 1.  download older MySQL client library, for example one from 
> InstantRails: 
> http://instantrails.rubyforge.org/svn/trunk/InstantRails-win/InstantRails/mysql/bin/libmySQL.dll
> 2.  copy the downloaded file to C:\Ruby\bin (or wherever you installed 
> Ruby)
> 3. restart MySQL server

I did steps 1 and 2 (I don't run the server on localhost so step 3 
appears to be pointless for me.)

I then got an error like: Access Denied: C:/Ruby/bin/......./mysql.so

Turns out when the mysql gem installed, it didn't set mysql.so to be 
executable.  I went into Explorer and manually turned it on, and it 
started to work.  Explorer was showing the read permission but not the 
execute permission.  Goes to show that this flag does take effect in 
Windows after all. :rollseyes:

I'm just documenting this in case someone else finds their way here and 
has the same issue.


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