Rudi W. wrote:
>Therefore I've started investigating how I can accesss my helpers in my
>model - I know this is not best practise, but its the only way I can see
>to make this work.

So your idea here is to fix a bad practice by using an even worse 

> How do I reach my helpers in the model in a more efficient way?
> Or can I construct my code in a more correct way?

Dealing with languages is a view specific tasks. Models should not be 
concerned with language specific issues, In my view the pain this is 
giving you should be viewed like a "toothache." Your code is trying to 
tell you something is fundamentally wrong. Using pain relievers, might 
get you by for a time, but eventually the problem will need to be 
addresses at the source.

However, if you have code that needs to be shared between the MVC layers 
it's common practice to put that code in modules inside the lib 
directory, which is provided for just this sort of sharing. That doesn't 
mean, however, that lib is intended to be a "free zone" where rules of 
MVC don't matter and you're free to break it at will.
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