Quoting David James <rails-mailing-l...@andreas-s.net>:
> Experienced developer here just attacking Ruby on Rails.
> So, I bought myself a book (Beginning Ruby on Rails - Holzner) and
> proceeded to follow the tutorial for the first project.   I start up
> Webrick which seems to be working properly.  Then, after
> editing/creating the two simple files per the instructions I point my
> browser at http://localhost:3000/app/greeting.  Instead of seeing the
> result I was expecting, I got:
> =====================
> We're sorry, but something went wrong.
> We've been notified about this issue and we'll take a look at it
> shortly.
> =====================
> Now, I've actually tried a couple of different tutorials with the same
> result.  When this is displayed in my browser, I also get this webrick
> logging (below) in the dos box it is running in, but have no idea what
> it means.
> Since I've been stuck on this a couple days if anyone can point me to an
> approach to getting past this I will greatly appreciate it.  Everything
> I've done with the tutorial seems to have worked correctly through this
> process -- the rails command, the generate controller, starting webrick,
> all seem straightforward and like they're working as expected.
> Dave
> /!\ FAILSAFE /!\  Fri Mar 20 00:12:27 -0500 2009
>   Status: 500 Internal Server Error
>   no such file to load -- sqlite3

The sqlite3 gem is not installed.  This is now the default database adapter.
Rails is a fast moving target and tutorials are quickly out of date.  It used
to be MySQL (at least on Linux and I think MacOS).  If you have installed a
different database adapter, set the correct value in config\database.yml.
Otherwise, install the sqlite3.


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