This is a code sample of what I have made so far:

<h1>New Report for <%=>, <%=></h1>

<%= form_tag :action => :create, :id =>>

    <p>Date: <%= datetime_select("report", "time") %> </p>

    <%= radio_button("report", "priority", 1) %> high -
    <%= radio_button("report", "priority", 2, {:checked => "checked"})
%>  medium -
    <%= radio_button("report", "priority", 3) %> low</p>

    <% for segment in @segments%>

        <%= hidden_field("report[]", "segment_id", { :value =>}) %>

        <p>Segment: <strong><%=></strong></p>

        <p>Traffic Status:
        <%= select("report[]", "status_id", Status.find(:all, :order
=> "Severity").map {|u| [,]}) %>

        <%= text_area("report[]", "description", {:rows => 6, :cols =>
70}) %></p>

        <p>Short Desc.:<br/>
        <%= text_area("report[]", "short_description", {:rows =>
2, :cols => 70}) %></p>

    <% end %>

    <p><%= submit_tag %></p>


This form renders well. Notice how I have some fields of Report that
are common to all segment reports (Hour and Priority) and some that
vary (segment_id, status_id, description and short_description). I'm
prefixing the first fields with "report" and the others with "report
[]". I'm not sure if it's a good idea.

Now I don't have any idea how I should handle this in the controller.

Any idea?

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