Hi, first at all sorry if my english is not the best.

I'm trying to include the plugin vote_fu to my aplication following
these steps http://github.com/peteonrails/vote_fu/tree/master.

I install the plugin and i run the migration. It rules perfectly:

== 20090324090130 VoteFuMigration: migrating
-- create_table(:votes, {:force=>true})
   -> 0.0801s
-- add_index(:votes, ["voter_id", "voter_type"], {:name=>"fk_voters"})
   -> 0.0404s
-- add_index(:votes, ["voteable_id", "voteable_type"],
   -> 0.0359s
== 20090324090130 VoteFuMigration: migrated (0.1569s)

I want that users can vote the videos. In the models:

class Video < ActiveRecord::Base

class Usuario < ActiveRecord::Base

But when i try to launch localhost it shows me this error:

NameError (undefined local variable or method `acts_as_voter' for
    /app/controllers/web_controller.rb:13:in `home'

There isn't compatibility between this two plugins??. I'm tryin to find
any solution in google, but there's  no information :((.

Anybody can help me please
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